Near and Far Field Signal Conjunct Analysis
Near and far field single conjunct analysis extends EMCExplorer application from near field to far field. Below example take you step-by-step through the procedure of near and far field conjunct analysis.
1. Near and Far Field Signal Acquirement
There is no special requirement but a general rule for near and far field signals acquirement:
- Only one far-field signal but multiple near-field signals need to be measured by an oscilloscope.
- Measure the near-field signals and far-field signal separately so that the instrument impedance effects on EUT (Equipment under Test) caused by near-field measurement will not appear at far-field signal measurement.
- It is suggested to record near-field signals synchronously with oscilloscope's multi-channel that will significantly improve the near and far field signal correlating accuracy.
- The data length should equal or longer than 8K and should at least include 10 cycle waveforms.
- Near and far field signal measurements should be carried out in a shielded chamber to avoid interference from environment.
2. Load Near and Far Field Signals
Use Workspace or Open Data option to load near and far field signals into EMCExplorer. It is suggested to use Workspace so that the data locations can be traced back during analysis.
3. Establish Correlation Between Near and Far Field Signals
Select EMI at Working Mode panel. Select Signal Correlation check-box at Group panel. Select a far field signal from Data Selection box at Single panel. Hold down Alt key if the near field signals are measured synchronously by oscilloscope multi-channel and click Analyze button at Run panel; if the near field signals are measured separately, simply click Analyze button without holding down Alt key. Near field signals are correlated with far field signal and will be displayed conjunctly in time domain if the Signal vs Time was selected at Display Selection box.