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Since March 2005

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Cross-talk detection by means of EMCExplorer 

  EMCExplorer can identify interference signals caused by cross-talk on PCB.  The following steps guide you through the Cross-talk Identification process:
1. Time-frequency analysis
  Choose the signal you want to analyze (for example, data file named $3_txb_ue_13.txt) and make Time-frequency analysis.
2. Threshold adjustment
  From Cross-Talk Detection control panel, adjust the signal de-noise threshold level by moving track-bar slider. The further right the track-bar slider is located, the more attenuated the signal is. This step is optional and the default position of track-bar slider (the left side) can meet most analysis requirements.
3. Run cross-talk identification
  Clicking the Run button will work out Cross-talk Analysis. The Results Box (to the left of Run button) shows the frequency of cross-talk signal  (if there was any).
4. Cross-talk identification results
  Dropping down the Results Box will show all of the possible frequencies of cross-talk signal. Because EMCExplorer counts all possible combinations of periodical pulses, it is possible that the cross-talk signal with frequency F1 is indicated as F1 Hz, F1/2 Hz, F1/3 Hz, F1/4 Hz ....  Generally speaking, the one among them with the highest frequency is the real one.




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