

EMC professional website
Since March 2005

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1. Choose the Golden Pattern and the Target Pattern
  Carefully keep a EUT of a specialized product that has already been put through the standard EMC Lab test as a Golden Pattern. All subsequent EMCExplorer tests for the same product will use the Golden Pattern as a referential pattern. Make another EUT of the same product as a Target Pattern that will be modified in successive EMCExplorer tests.
2. Choose the test room
  Various work places, even a small room or an open-site place with constant noise, can be considered as EUT test places -- provided that the all tests for the Golden  Pattern and Target Pattern are done in the same environment (with the same method in the same time). Make the test site as far as possible from running vehicles that generate random radiation noise and may damage the environment consistency.
  Set up necessary instruments and software.  


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